Dear friends, I am sorry to inform you that due to a serious health matter, Yamada Sensei has been asked to go to Japan this coming weekend, and consequently will be unable to instruct at our seminar as planned. At the same time, I am pleased to announce that the seminar will still go ahead, instructed by Mitsunari Kanai Sensei and Claude Berthiaume Sensei. The original class and testing schedule remains unchanged, but fees are reduced by $10 for Saturday participation, $10 for Sunday participation and $20 for Saturday and Sunday participation. The original seminar notice apperas below. Thank you in advance for your understanding and support in view of circumstances beyond Yamada Sensei's or our control. Hope to see you and practice with you at the seminar.
R. Zimmermann with Y. YAMADA SHIHAN and M. KANAI SHIHAN September 19, 20 and 21, 2003